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Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre


Virgilijus Noreika Competition for Singers October 10, 2022 Virgilijus Noreika Competition for Singers More than 50 vocalists from all over the world will come to the III International Virgilijus Noreika Competition for Singers which will be held in March 2023, Vilnius. Read more LNOBT Announces a Review Competition September 21, 2022 LNOBT Announces a Review Competition LNOBT announces the premiere review contest for the Season 103! Your texts about the premieres will be evaluated by online readers and a panel of professionals, and prizes shall await the authors... Read more LNOBT’s Box Office and Information July 08, 2022 LNOBT’s Box Office and Information From 4 July 2022 to 28 August 2022 LNOBT’s Box Office and Information shall be open Monday - Friday from 10 am to 7 pm. During this period, LNOBT’s Box Office and Information shall be closed on... Read more Official Call of the Lithuanian and Estonian National Opera Houses on the European Opera Community February 28, 2022 Official Call of the Lithuanian and Estonian National Opera Houses on the European Opera Community We, the three Baltic opera houses, call for solidarity with Ukrainian opera houses and all the people of Ukraine. At the moment, there is a real war going on in Europe: military operations of... Read more Theatre is offering a challenge to young director Januray 20, 2022 Theatre is offering a challenge to young director Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre is announcing an international directing competition for stage directors / creative teams with the aim of selecting the best artistic concept for J.... Read more Opera that Lithuanians and Italians Adore Equally: LNOBT Presents the most Luxurious "La Traviata" November 16, 2021 Opera that Lithuanians and Italians Adore Equally: LNOBT Presents the most Luxurious "La Traviata" The Italians call it the most popular export of their culture, but when they arrived in Vilnius, they were surprised to learn that Lithuanians also worship "La Traviata". The 100th anniversary of... Read more Keyword of Opera “Alice in Wonderland” –  the Magical Imagination of Children September 25, 2021 Keyword of Opera “Alice in Wonderland” – the Magical Imagination of Children The Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theater is releasing the second premiere of its new season this weekend – David Sebba's opera for the whole family “Alice in Wonderland”. A large number of... Read more Premiere of “Der Rosenkavalier”: Flowing State of Weightlessness, Brilliant Music by R. Strauss and a Fun Game September 02, 2021 Premiere of “Der Rosenkavalier”: Flowing State of Weightlessness, Brilliant Music by R. Strauss and a Fun Game During the recent press conference, Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre presented not only its upcoming ambitious premiere, but also the main sponsor of the new theatre season – the Norfa... Read more LNOBT’s Box Office July 07, 2021 LNOBT’s Box Office From 12 July 2021 to 15 August 2021 LNOBT’s Box Office and Information shall be open Monday - Friday from 10 am to 7 pm. During this period, LNOBT’s Box Office and Information shall be closed on... Read more LNOBT’s Box office shall be closed on July 6 July 05, 2021 LNOBT’s Box office shall be closed on July 6 On 6 July 2021 LNOBT’s Box and Information offices shall be closed. You may purchase tickets to the concert performance of Amilcare Ponchielli’s opera “I lituani” online at or 1 hour... Read more